January 02, 2013

An Affirmation Of Healing Between The Genders

Before 2012 began I explored the three key issues holding back human evolution and enlightenment that would come to a head last year.

I would like to start 2013 with some affirmations we all can say as often as we need to, in order to address all the disempowering aspects of our life pertaning to the three key issues of: Fear, Lack and
Masculine/Feminine Imbalance.

I orginally wanted to start with Fear, but after the brutal rapes in India, gun violence in the USA and the continued battle of the sexes going on in society and politics, this Janurary, I would like to focus on Masculine/Feminine Imbalance.

So please feel free to use and share this affirmation as often as you like. It works whether you are gay or straight, single or in a relationship, young or old, a parent or not. It covers every aspect and interaction between the genders.

Use it well.

An Affirmation Of Healing Between The Genders

This is truth
Polarity exists in this Universe
Light reveals what is darkness
Darkness makes light evident
Creation assembles the debris
Destruction provides the debris
Solidity enables tangibility
Spirit enables transformation

In a Universe striving for balance
I uphold this truth
There is also masculine and feminine
Both equally valid
Both equally necessary
Both equally Divine

God, Father, Husband, Lover, Brother, Son
Forgive me and help me to forgive myself
For placing upon you the sole burden
Of strength, protection and intelligent decision-making
And not giving you my fullest self in return as your
Servant, daughter, wife, lover, sister.


As Your servant now I honor You as God
By asking You to use the You within me as befits Your will

As my father, I learn to blossom from all of your gifts, bitter and sweet
By mastering and remembering myself and the eternal cosmic relationship we share.


As my husband, I now validate you as teacher
To awaken in me an awareness of all the unhealed parts of my mind, body and soul.


As my lover, I now work with you in joy and pleasure
Through union of our mind and/or body, the healing and self-forgiveness I need.


As my brother, I will cherish you
By remembering how I would like to be treated, as a child equally deserving of love.

As my son, I will resolve our eternal cosmic relationship
By mastering myself as I grow to understand and accept your Divine role in my life.



This is truth
Polarity exists in this Universe
Light reveals what is darkness
Darkness makes light evident
Creation assembles the debris
Destruction provides the debris
Solidity enables tangibility
Spirit enables transformation

In a Universe striving for balance
I uphold this truth
There is also masculine and feminine
Both equally valid
Both equally necessary
Both equally Divine


Goddess, Mother, Wife, Lover, Sister, Daughter
Forgive me and help me to forgive myself
For placing upon you the sole burden
Of providing for my body and ego’s every need
And hindering my self-mastery needed to honor you as
Servant, son, husband, lover, brother, father.


As Your servant now I honor You as Goddess
By asking You to use the You within me as befits Your will


As my mother, I learn to blossom from all of your gifts, bitter and sweet
By mastering and remembering myself and the eternal cosmic relationship we share.

As my wife I now validate you as teacher
To awaken in me an awareness of all the unhealed parts of my mind, body and soul.

As my lover, I now work with you in joy and pleasure
Through union of our mind and/or body, the healing and self-forgiveness I need.

As my sister, I will cherish you
By remembering how I would like to be treated, as a child equally deserving of love.

As my daughter, I will resolve our eternal cosmic relationship
By mastering myself as I grow to understand and accept your Divine role in my life. 


This is truth
Polarity exists in this Universe
Light reveals what is darkness
Darkness makes light evident
Creation assembles the debris
Destruction provides the debris
Solidity enables tangibility
Spirit enables transformation

In a Universe striving for balance
I uphold this truth
There is also masculine and feminine
Both equally valid
Both equally necessary
Both equally Divine


Goddess, God, Mother, Father, Wife, Husband, Lover, Sister, Brother, Daughter,
From One Ultimate Source we come
We are One in the many
And many in The One.