May 25, 2019

Game Of Thrones, Race, GRR Martin's Take On Mythology

This is my take on the poignant, social landmark of arts and entertainment in the 21st Century, that is Game Of Thrones. I discuss why it is good mythology and address the Identity Political/Representation issues raised by some about the lack of black people and why it is misplaced.

Hey there, beautiful fellow Human Being!

My name is Jessica Joseph and I am just one of many Game of Thrones geeks (and geek of all things sci-fi, fantasy, political science, philosophy, leading edge thinking and re-evolutionary) living in the Caribbean.

You can find more of my podcasts here:

I am a TEDx alum:

I’ve blogged on Huffington Post:

I’m the Co-Founder of Humanity L.A.B. which will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2020:

I’m a member of the U-SOLVE School of Empathic Leadership & Entrepreneurship

 and part of its first Global Challenges cohort.

You can follow me on Facebook Or Instagram: